4the1 Podcast




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4the1 is a podcast created by NEXUS Pointe co-owner, director, teacher and choreographer, Miss HallieMak Hodson. She realized that she was overflowing with God’s love and had it on her heart to share that with as many people as possible. She realized the Lord wanted to use her testimony, experiences, and blessings to speak into the lives of young women that are braving the world before them and striving to put God at the center. HallieMak wants this podcast to encourage and help young women keep their eyes on God in the “real” world that we live in.

Once HallieMak opened her performing arts studio - NEXUS Pointe - the podcast idea grew. There was a realization that “young women” expanded to teenage girls as well, and members of the NEXUS Pointe Diamond Dancers Competition Dance Team decided to join in some of the conversations as well as have their own topics and discussions on their own - empowering them and helping them reach out to others and discuss finding their value, identity and purpose.
